[VIDEO] This video was uploaded to YouTube in 2019 and what a different world we see from back then before the pandemic era. A lot of those storefronts you see at Chicago Union Station are now closed such as a newsstand and a Pret-a-Manger. I look forward to showing you how this major rail hub in Chicago looks in 2022.
This makes me want to take a train somewhere this year. California is always a great place to visit and it's great to see the midwest, the plains and of course the southwest of America. I think it's great to see these places that you might only imagine what it's like to live there.
Now from what I know of Dylan is he is a British national. This is certainly very different for him and he appears to be an ardent world traveler. His more recent videos now have him give narration and he's showing his face. I really do like his presentation and in this earlier example the narration is provided in text form more than via voice.