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Friday, November 22, 2019

Survivor Series: The Montreal Screwjob

Survivor Series is this weekend and I'm choosing this time to remind you of the Montreal screwjob from 22 years ago. That notable event happened at Survivor Series on November 9, 1997. Amazing how the time flew by since then.

Short story Bret "The Hitman" Hart held the WWF Championship going into this match and his challenger "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels had a brawl for a number of mintues before their title match. Michaels used Hart's finisher The Sharpshooter which is how Michaels wins the title. What makes this a screwjob is that Hart never tapped or submitted the referee Earl Hebner just made a haphazard attempt to see if Hart would submitted and then he rang the bell.

Wrestling is a work or scripted but this was a shoot doublecross. WWF owner Vince McMahon didn't want Bret Hart to be champion as he was about to go to WCW and McMahon figured out how to get the belt off Hart. Wrestling may be a work, but in that business the championship belts especially these main event titles such as the WWE Championship or the WWE Univerisal Championship really means something as the face of a company like WWE.

Errr WWF = WWE the initials changed by 2002 got it.

Anyway I will refer to my post from back in April of this year for you to get the story of the "shoot doublecross".  It's amazing that there are some who might debate whether this was a work or a shoot. That this was all scripted!

Here's a brief video about it from WWE. [VIDEO]