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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Jim Limber Davis -- Rescued by the Confederacy's First Lady

Check out this story of Jim Limber pictured to the left. He was accepted into the family of Jefferson Davis. Yes, that guy the only President of the Confederate States of America. Davis' wife rescued him from an abusive man and took care of the boy and was ultimately accepted into the family.

Let's not forget that the Confederates lost the Civil War although it doesn't appear to be explored during the course of the story linked above he was taken away from the family by a Union general. The Davis' never were able to find out his fate.

You know we always were taught that the Confederacy supported slavery and perhaps by proxy very evil. Yet we hear stories like this and then we may recognize it's not entirely black & white. Of course that's not to say slavery was OK or anything like that.

Hat-tip Newsalert!