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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Back in 2003: Warriors among them

[VIDEO] This video produced by Evan Coyne Maloney features a group known as the Protest Warriors (PW). The PWs schtick if you will is to infiltrate protests with signs using the left's slogans against them at gatherings such as the San Francisco anti-war rally you're watching above.

This occurred close to 10 years ago and Maloney took a trip to the west coast to ask more questions of the anti-war crowd. While Maloney is still active as a filmmaker, PW doesn't appear to have survived. Founded by Kfir Alfia & Alan Davidson (or Lipton) they were once known for having a very active forum where people of different political ideologies debated. Unfortunately the forums were shot down on two occasions and it appears unlikely that they will return. An online store that sold merchandise has been shut down. Also while Kfir has moved on to other interests it was reported that Alan has since passed away!

I stated three years that PW would've been perfect for the events of the tea party and of the Occupy Movement. If only there had been some infiltration of Occupy rallies that occured last year and the year before that. Also the idea of infiltrating the events of the opposition may seem to be very passe now, there surely are just as many ingenious individuals such as Alan & Kfir who are able to protest those with whom they agree in such hilarious ways.

BTW, forgot to note the signs PWs used well it's safe to say the people to whom they were directed didn't take to them very well. It probably shows in the video above.