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Friday, February 27, 2015


Via Star Trek fb
Leonard Nimoy who is most famous for playing the half-human and half-vulcan Mr. Spock on the 1960s Star Trek series has passed away. Apparenly he succumbed to late stage Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

While he was most famous as a result of Star Trek, he had been acting on TV for many years having been seen on this Chicago set 1950s TV series M Squad, the classic Twilight Zone and he also starred on Mission: Impossible. He had been retired from acting for many years until having appeared the JJ Abrams rebooted Star Trek films in 2009 and 2013.

I'm so tempted to find Mr. Spock's first actual appearance on film. Star Trek was born from two pilots one of which was rejected by NBC. This pilot is one that until much later Trek fans finally had a chance to watch in syndication. Although clips of that rejected pilot was seen in a first season episode called "The Managerie".

[VIDEO] In this clip Spock says nothing he only touches those blue petals of those flowers and smiles at his then Captain Christopher Pike on this strange planet they were exploring. Since this was from the pilot the general expectations that Vulcans share no emotion hadn't been established.

Well at least there are many episodes and movies of Star Trek to remember him by and we do have the new movies as well. Alas he won't repeat his performance as Spock in the third movie expected to come out next year. 2016 will be the 50th anniversary of Star Trek.

May he rest in peace.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Is blogging dead?

I've been beginning to wonder. Years ago people in the mainstream media were talking about blogs, now it's about YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram or even Facebook.

To be sure as much as I've taken to writing 140 characters, nothing will beat good writing. You can't do that in 140 and at that it has to be very interesting.

No one pays attention to a YouTube channel that doesn't have interesting content. I began to realize that there is a science to being a viral YouTube sensation. It's either intentional or unintentional and for the most part something viral just happens can't script it nor plan it.

Although I just recently started a FB account to attach to this blog, there's a lot of FB status I wouldn't want to share and hadn't for a long time. It's also cool to share photo albums and such from FB. But who would want to read a long status.

Remember TL;DR? LOL

Anyway, perhaps it's good that blogging has had it's heyday. This just means that the ones with something to say and hopefully the truly good writers will get the attention it deserves. Everyone else can flood FB, Twitter, Instagram and these other sites that are out there.

Besides all these other social media sites can be utilized effectively especially if you do utilize a blog.